Laser Tag, Gel Ball and More. Indoor & Mobile Services.

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Unforgettable Parties

Rainy Day Activities Asheville, North Carolina

If there’s one thing Asheville is famous for, it’s the wonderful outdoors. The tallest mountains in the South and hundreds of thousands of acres of woodlands under protection surround us. Our landscape is crisscrossed by rivers and creeks, and there are lots of mountain lakes and falls. The list of outdoor activities is practically vast and includes both land and marine sports.

Of course, if you live in western North Carolina or are traveling through the area, you expect to spend time outside. But each year, our city receives roughly 40 inches of rain, evenly distributed throughout the course of every month. Therefore, there is a good likelihood that it will rain while you are in Asheville.

When the weather doesn’t cooperate, you may need a few rainy day activities for you and your family. Black Mountain Adventure Zone is here to help!

Rainy Day Ideas for Asheville, NC

1) Visit Black Mountain

Black Mountain is just fifteen miles east of downtown Asheville and is widely regarded as a favorite among visitors and new residents. There are numerous shops, restaurants, coffee shops, and more. It is home to Black Mountain Adventure Zone, where families can play laser tag, GellyBall, Battle Cage, and more!

2) Play GellyBall

The entry to GellyBall at Black Mountain Adventure Zone is typically through laser tag. For those of you who haven’t tried it yet, GellyBall is a brand-new, revolutionary shooting game that seamlessly blends the greatest aspects of paintball and airsoft.

In addition to being biodegradable, GellyBall ammo is almost entirely made of water. It is non-toxic and won’t leave any stains. GellyBall ammo is low-impact, so it doesn’t feel like paintball or airsoft; it’s pretty similar in feeling to getting flicked with a rubber band.

The age range for GellyBall is five years old. The blasters are powered by batteries and are easy to use. They are easy to operate and have a sixty-foot range of accuracy. Both kids and adults can be ready to shoot in no time with just a brief lesson at the beginning of the game. We are in charge of all reloading. You’ll feel assured and professional at the end of the session.

3) Play Laser Tag

Laser Tag has come a long way in the past few years. Our high-tech laser tag experience is like a live-action video game. You’ll feel like you’re in Star Wars (which was the original inspiration for laser tag). You don’t have to wear a heavy vest. Your blaster is wireless and sends scores and stats straight to our arena displays. 

Play GellyBall and Laser Tag at Black Mountain Adventure Zone

If you need a rainy day activity in Asheville and the Black Mountain area, you can book a private party at Black Moutain Adventure Zone. Reach out to us today!

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