Laser Tag, Gel Ball and More. Indoor & Mobile Services.

Epic Play
Unforgettable Parties

Are you in Asheville for the holidays? Western North Carolina is the perfect place to spend Christmas. The southern Appalachians’ lofty peaks provide the ideal setting for the holiday lights and ornaments.

While you’ll probably spend the holidays catching up with friends and family, you could also find yourself dealing with restless children or grownups. We can provide you with some tips if you’re looking for ways to entertain family members in Asheville over the holidays.

What To Do in Asheville During the Holiday Season

There is more to do than you’ll even have time for in Asheville during the holidays. 

Get Outside

At first glance, winter hiking may not appear interesting. However, a walk in the woods can seem pleasant after you’ve consumed one or more plates of Christmas dinner and dessert. Additionally, the weather may still be fairly pleasant, and the absence of tree leaves allows you to enjoy sights that you might not normally have throughout the spring and summer.

A few winter hikes your family or visitors will enjoy include:

  • Mount Mitchell
  • Crabtree Falls
  • DuPont State Forest
  • Mount Pisgah
  • Rainbow and Turtleback Falls
  • Craggy Mountain and Gardens
  • Linville Falls

Play Indoors at Black Mountain Adventure Zone

Sometimes, the weather just doesn’t cooperate with getting outside, but you still need a way to help kids burn some energy. We’ve got you covered at BMAZ. 


For those of you who haven’t played it before, GellyBall is a brand-new, ground-breaking shooting game that combines the greatest elements of paintball and airsoft without discomfort.

GellyBall ammunition is not just biodegradable but also virtually entirely composed of water. It won’t leave a stain and is non-toxic. Additionally, it has a far smaller impact than being struck with a paintball or airsoft bb!

GellyBall is really unique! It feels like a rubber band is flicking you. I’m done now. Therefore, playing this enjoyable game won’t result in injuries to your children.

VR Games

We have introduced VR to our lineup of adventure activities at BMAZ. Depending on your selected type of event, age group, and the number of players, we currently have five VR Games to choose from or seven VR Escape Rooms. Your BMAZ Host will organize and run the games during your party. Up to five players at a time can play together in our VR Arena.

Our general rules of conduct are posted in the arena, and we expect respect for other players, as well as our staff, equipment, and facility.  There should be no physical contact between players or equipment.

We can’t wait for you to see how fun this is!

Laser Tag

New LaserWar taggers have replaced the function of bulky vests. Instead, comfortable head straps are used to collect data. The days of running around with and getting tangled in long, swirling wires are behind us. Laser tag’s evolution may surprise you, and it will definitely entertain you!

Thank your employees the right way by booking a party at Black Mountain Adventure Zone!

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